For this blog assignment it was left up to the students' discretion to create an assignment that coincides with our specialty and then do it. My specialty is to teach special education and special need students. The assignment I designed is to have students research online and find techniques to help special needs students better learn. The students can use one or more than one website but they must list it and also list any other information you may have learned.
Teaching Special Education & Learning Disabilites
This website says it’s a good idea to have the primary objective be finding the students’ weaknesses and strengths for the first two weeks of school and after that it will still be an ongoing process throughout the year. I thoroughly agree with this idea! If you’re able to identify your students’ problems at an early stage then you, as a teacher, can better equip yourself, your classroom, and your lessons to help them gain as much knowledge as possible. It would already be known these students have disabilities because we are discussing special education classrooms and students so finding out what works best for an individual student would be called their Individualized education plan (IEP).Learning your students’ challenges can help you create techniques to teach them.
If a student is getting tired or overwhelmed easily then a way of helping them succeed is to add small breaks into the class and rewards for the child trying.
If you have a student with auditory problems then include a systematic study of phonics also when lecturing also give them a printed lecture for them to read and be able to keep up.
For a student with visual problems give them their school work with large print with fewer problems on the page and if they have trouble keeping their place while reading allow them use a reading aid such as a durable ruler or an object that was durable and colorful so they will keep up with it.
Allows give support to reinforce the student’s efforts to help motivate them to gain more skills.
Whether they are special needs students or regular students there is always a visual learner and an auditory learner so using graphs, pictures, and other visuals that go along with that you are saying can benefit both.
Some students have a hard time staying focused so keeping the child close to you and the board and keeping them interactive by asking questions.
Technology is now becoming more common in special education classrooms because it allows students to complete their work easier and also helps them communicate more effectively.
Students with poor handwriting skills could use a computer to type their work.
Students who have visual problems can use a computer to see the words larger and closer.
Students who have trouble communicating verbally can use software that can be downloaded to a computer that speaks for you once you type in what you want to say.
If a child would rather listen to a recording on a computer so they can go back and replay it over and over to thoroughly comprehend it technology would play a key part.
Special needs students need the extra attention, care, and time to be able to effectively learn. As a special education teacher it is best to keep parents involved and supportive because the school system may not be as enthusiastic or as up-to-date. This website offers several links on the left side that may be of use and gives extra information on more disorders, parents rights, parents’ guide, etc.